ja, jag packar -
hur packar man för resten av sitt liv?
ja - jag ska ju inte vara i thailand för resten av mitt liv men det finns så mycket mer än bara materiella ting i denna värld. att lämna allt och försvinna i 7 mån kan inte annat än sätta sina spår.
hur vet man vad man ska packa med sig i en där inbyggda ryggsäcken. vad finns kvar och vad finns inte kvar när jag kommer hem. kanske kommer jag aldrig hem. tsunamin nr 2 kanske kommer . .
nej usch nu ska vi inte tänka så - this will be a trip for the rest of my life -
--> He said baby it's time for you and me To go live our own lives not waiting. - You see I'm on my way now. - This time it's for real! So he packed all his things and I begged on my knees I said baby I think we were meant to be Isn't it strange how cheap the words can be? You'll get over it Don't waste your time A love like ours can't be Too hard to find? What if my love for you is even stronger? What if my heart will never forget? What if my dreams won't let you go away? Since the day we met How could I forget? Days may go and weeks go by With endless clouds and sleepless nights But not one minute without you in my mind You'll get over it Don't waste your time A love like ours can't be Too hard to find? What if my love? He's the kind of a man that is so hard to find In this cold, cold world With a heart full of love and a sensitive mind He's my kind of man